Pure Passion

This is the moment that God has provided for us to partner with Him in making sure that as many people as possible discover the grace of God to save, the power of God to set free and the love of God to transform people into His very image.

“Pure Passion”, a ministry of Restored Hope Network, is the most unique & the most needed program in television. There is no other program like it in all of TV programming. It addresses an area of life (human sexuality) that is in dire need of healing. Millions are trapped every year in sexual brokenness, partly because the faith community is failing to regularly communicate the grace and the truth that will set them free and positively communicate the standards for healthy human sexuality. In a sea of ministries that address specific sexual sin issues, “Pure Passion” brings the “big picture” perspective. We demonstrate God’s common grace for every kind of sin, we communicate God’s common healing power for any kind of brokenness, and we illustrate the part that every member of the body of Christ is meant to play in helping broken people. By showing how healing for sexual sin and brokenness is fundamentally the same as it is for any other kind of sin or disorder, we authenticate in people’s minds God’s stated intention to enlist leader and layperson alike in the cause of His redemption. As a ministry, we bridge the denominational divides while maintaining fealty to Holy Scripture as our final authority. There is more that unites us than divides us and this is no more clearly seen than in the healing of sin and brokenness.

Event Timeslots (9)








